The team at Red Idea has been a key extension of our team, and a critical part of our success to date. OLOMOMO would probably not be around today if Red Idea had not been able to see around the corner with us and help make the connections to support our vision for disrupting the nut snacks category. Red Idea had the foresight to see the potential of our brand, and help put some serious strategy, capital and resources to take us to the next level. I also appreciate the wholistic, thoughtful, honest and longterm approach that Red Idea brings to their relationships. Their depth of character in a business partner is crucial when you’re laying your family’s future on the line as an entrepreneur.
— Justin Perkins, Founder of OLOMOMO Nut Company
Our work with Red Idea has given us a consultant who deeply understands entrepreneurs, our business, and what makes us unique. We’ve very successfully leveraged their skillsets on key strategy and business planning projects, saving us significant time internally, and allowing us to stay focused on the areas in which we excel. They have a broad understanding of many facets of the business world, are a great sounding board, and continue to be a valued advisor to Pangea Organics.
— Joshua Onysko, Founder/CEO, Pangea Organics
Red Idea delivered on their promise of ‘inspired thinking’ by approaching our project needs with practical intelligence—creating a project team with highly relevant industry and project-related expertise. They are helping our organization make very significant steps in how we approach our business from an accounting, financial reporting and ongoing financial analysis standpoint. They’ve made my brain hurt from their Excel modeling from time to time, but it’s all great progress. Ask them to give you one of their baseball caps—it’s actually cool enough to wear.
— Kevin Daly, Founder/Partner, Mountain Sun Pub & Brewery
There is an understanding at Red Idea that there are ‘no one size fits all’ solutions. Today’s clients need much more than the standard consulting model can deliver. To create long-lasting value and develop a truly unique and successful brand, it does takes ‘inspired thinking’ and a comprehensive solution that links marketing, operational, and financial strategies. Red Idea attacks each project with this thought in mind. By combining industry best practices with domain experts, the Red Idea approach ensures results. As a finance professional, I appreciate and respect this unique and value-oriented approach to improving performance and the bottom line.
— Brian Morrow, Financial Consultant
Red Idea represents everything we were hoping to find in a consultant. They are very knowledgeable about our specific industry—investment management—and creative, resourceful and responsive. There’s no doubt in my mind that Red Idea has been a value add for us. In general, we’ve been very impressed and pleased with Red Idea’s versatility and depth of expertise. Red Idea has our highest recommendation..
— Garvin Jabusch, Chief Operating Officer, Green Alpha Advisors
It is so refreshing to work with Red Idea. I think we’re approaching this key engagement in the right way, and we appreciate the intellectual curiosity and diligence put to work on our behalf.
— Jon Erb, Chief Marketing Officer, Cocona, Inc.
Red Idea is both friendly and professional. Red Idea has a wonderful ability to hold all the stakeholders’ interests simultaneously and at all times, all parties were treated with dignity, respect, and consideration. Like a good holistic health care practitioner (my personal background), Red Idea did not confuse the symptoms with the cause in helping us tackle our challenges, and look for new ways to view opportunity. The approach was grounded in business logic but still creative and customized—not formulaic or contrived. Red Idea continued to check in, months after our professional goals were addressed, to see how it could continue to support our business. I would enthusiastically recommend Red Idea to any company who wishes to glean more purpose, passion, productivity and prosperity from their chosen work in the world.
— Dr. Shelley Kappel, Gold Lake Mountain Resort